Thursday, September 4, 2008

Nadia - Secret Of Blue Water

I've been watching this series, not quite done yet.

It's based on "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea" or something along those lines :P

It's seems to be about a young girl named Nadia, and a young boy, Jean, who is an inventor, and one day see's Nadia, which is when he falls in love, i think, heh.

There's also the Grandis Trio...they're a bit weird..but kinda cool..There's the Nautilus crew..who are amazing people, for that time anyway. I would really like to see something happen between Jean and Nadia, like marriage :P

Grandis and her 2 henchmen, Hanson and Sanson.

There's also a weird group, The Neo-Atlanteans, the leader is Gargoyle, supposedly....i thought one thing when I first saw them..and i still think it..
They look like they from the KKK O_o

But I'm not sure how this series will end. So I'll keep watching.

I'm loving this series so far, it's great =D Happy Times, Sad Times, Ecchi Times XD, Funny Times...lots of times.... it can be really fun to watch, Maybe not entirely for a younger audience..but..heh..why not? ^^

Anyway, I'd suggest you watch it.

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